Coronavirus and its impact on Australian Visa holders

Coronavirus and its impact on Australian Visa holders

Throughout the globe, almost each and every individual is aware of the term Corona Virus. Basically it is a virus, which was initially reported in Wuhan, China. It has infected a countless number of people, many have recovered, but plenty of them have lost their lives...

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Why is Australia the best choice for fresh Pakistani engineers?

Australia is now the third-most-popular country for an International fresh engineers to get a job.  Reasonable living expenses (compared to other Western countries like the UK and USA) without sacrificing basic needs or living standards could account for a large...

Why CMS Migration is the best Subclass 476 specialized migration agency in the entire Asian Region?

So tired of all these fake consultants and agents, not knowing the correct process to ensure your Subclass 476 visa grant? CMS Migration is proud to serve our Fresh Graduate Engineers to take them to their dream career in Australia not by words or fake promises but...

Current Situation of Australian Borders Updates and Future Expectations

With the third wave of COVID-19 gripping the entire world times are really uncertain and so is the situation with the borders of many countries. However, people need to remain optimistic as life goes on even in the worst of times. Gradual Opening of Australian...

Do You Really need Job Experience to Apply for Subclass 476 Visa?

Engineering profession is considered as the most valuable qualification across all other streams in the Australian job market. It is the highest job providing field in Australia. This is the reason that Australia is among the most desired destinations for all...

Subclass 476 Visa: CMS Migration vs Self Applicants

Subclass 476 Visa is a golden opportunity for Pakistani engineers to work, study and live in Australia for 18 months. However, many candidates attempt to apply for this visa by themselves or often get into the trap of amateur visa consultants who are not registered...

3 Major Reasons for Delay in Subclass 476 Visa

The decision to study in Australia is one that a growing number of students make every year. However, many of them couldn’t get their student visa because of the lack of vigilance and submission of required documents to the Department of Home Affairs. As per the...

How to Build a Strong Network in Australia?

Many Subclass 476 graduates struggle while finding a job in Australia. They are usually looking out for opportunities and are always on a hunt to make things work themselves while being away for home. There is no denial of the fact that Subclass 476 Visa is an ideal...

Why Go To Australia?

Australia is amongst the highly industrialized nation which migrates skilled worker from overseas to fulfill the demand of qualified and trained workforce in its various industries specifically in the engineering sector. According to The Engineering Profession, A...

Applicant for Subclass 476 Visa | Wajeeha Shafaat | CMS Migration

Wajeeha Shafaat is an applicant for Subclass 476 Visa through CMS Migration. She is an inspiration for all female engineers of Pakistan

Your Questions Related To Subclass 476 Visa And Their Answers

Subclass 476 Visa Australia is a great opportunity for Pakistani Engineers. CMS Migration conducted an Fb live session on Subclass 476 Visa

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